The Last Three Weeks

Hey guys, I’ve been super busy these last few weeks with moving house and starting two new jobs! As such, this blog has fallen by the wayside. Very quickly today I’ll show all the weeks I have missed. Later on next week I’ll go through my stationary stash and what I am doing for University this year! So here we go!





Week One Wrap Up

Seeing as it’s Sunday (in New Zealand at least), and the end of the first week in my planner, I thought I would show off my layout for this week. Bear in mind this was my first go at decorating and designing, and so the results are a little all over the place. I was really playing around with all the things I had bought rather than coming up with a coherent theme. I promise next week is much prettier.


The green page marker on the left is the other half of the set I bought from Kikki-k, I’ll show it off a little more in part two of the planner walkthrough. I hadn’t really discovered the joys of washi tape when I did this spread, and I think the lack of colour shows. The LOVE IT stamp is from Typo, and the popsicle sticker and pawprint stamp are from Smiggle. The stickers are actually awesome, they smell like lollies and apples, yum!. The Hello Beautiful post it came in a Lah de dah (I think thats how you spell it!) set I got from Warehouse Stationary.

So that’s week number one, I swear there are better layouts to come!

Catch you later